
Type of Membership


Only applicable for:-

  1. Any member with at least 3 years or more relevant work experience and have obtained a degree or recognised professional qualification in bookkeeping, business administration or management or related qualifications with major in bookkeeping and administration and who have passed or exempted from the prescribed examinations of the Association’s certification program.
  2. Any persons with a postgraduate degree including masters/doctorate in business administration or management, from any nationally accredited institutions of higher learning and who have worked for 1 year or more in management positions in private or public organizations.
  3. The first Council or founder members of the Association shall automatically be conferred as Fellow members upon registration of the Association.
  4. Any other qualifications or experiences as the Executive Committee (EXCO) deem fit or equivalent to (b) (i) or (b) (ii) above.
  5. Fellow members are entitled to vote or to participate in any deliberations at general meetings of the Association.


Only applicable for:-

  1. Associate with at least 1 year or more relevant work experience and have obtained a degree or recognised professional qualification in accounting business or management or related qualifications and who have passed or exempted from the prescribed examinations of the Association’s certification program.
  2. Any persons with any other qualifications or experiences as the Executive Committee (EXCO) deem fit or equivalent to (c) (i) above.
  3. Associate members are entitled to vote or to participate in any deliberations at general meetings of the Association.


Only applicable for:-

  1. All fresh graduates with diploma, degrees in business or management or related qualifications who are interested in a career in or relating to bookkeeping, administration and management.
  2. Any persons with any other qualifications or experiences as the Executive Committee (EXCO) deem fit or equivalent to (d) (i) above.
  3. Affiliate members are not entitled to vote or to participate in any deliberations at general meetings of the Association.

Applications of Membership

  1. Applications for admission to membership of the Association shall be on the prescribed form submitted to the Association in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed by the Council.
  2. All applications for admission to membership of the Association shall be approved or rejected by the EXCO without assigning any reason whatsoever.
  3. A member upon being admitted to membership of the Association shall be entitled to receive a copy of the Association’s Constitution.
  4. The Honorary Secretary or any such person so authorised by the Council shall maintain a register of all members of the Association at the registered office. The register shall contain details like name, date and place of birth, identity card number, occupation, address of employer and residential address of member.
  5. No name shall be entered thereon or removed therefrom save on the authority of the EXCO.

Right & Privileges as Members

(a) Post Nominal Letters

Members in the categories of Fellows, Associates and Affiliates shall be entitled describe and to use the following letters after their names to describe themselves :

  • Fellow - FCBA (Fellow Certified Bookkeepers & Administrators)
  • Associate - ACBA (Associate Certified Bookkeepers & Administrators)
  • Affiliate - CBA Affiliate (Certified Bookkeepers & Administrators, Affiliate)

(b) All relevant categories of members, except Honorary Fellows and Affiliates, of the Association in benefits shall be entitled to notice and to attend all General Meetings of the Association. All members shall be entitled to notifications and circulars concerning the affairs of the Association.

(c) Only Fellow members who are Malaysian citizens are eligible to stand for elections to the Council.

(d) For avoidance of doubt, it shall be noted that Associate Members and Affiliates Members are not eligible to stand for elections to the Council.

(e) Only Fellow Members who have paid or exempted from paying annual subscriptions and do not have any arrears due to the Association shall be entitled to one vote each at General Meetings.

(f) Only Associates Members who have paid or exempted from paying annual subscriptions and do not have any arrears due to the Association shall be entitled to one vote each at General Meetings.

(g) All members of the Association shall be entitled to receive Certificate of Membership on being admitted members of the Association at no cost. Replacement certificates will be charged to members at rates to be determined by the Council from time to time. All certificates of membership shall remain the property of the Association and shall be returned to the Association upon cessation of membership for whatever reasons.

(h) Fellow Members of the Association who have passed/completed any of the Association’s certification programs shall be entitled to use the description ‘Fellow Certified Bookkeepers & Administrators to describe themselves, Associate Members shall be entitled to describe themselves as ‘Associate Certified Bookkeepers & Administrators’, and Affiliate shall be entitled to describe themselves as ‘Affiliate Bookkeepers & Administrators’.

(i) Members of the Pro-tem Committee shall be awarded the title ‘Founder members’ of the Association. 

Prescribed Fees

The necessary fees payable for Affiliate / Associate / Fellow Grade comprise the following as set out in the Association’s Constitution:

Affiliate Associate Fellow
Entrance Fee 100.00 150.00 200.00
Annual Subscription 100.00 200.00 250.00

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